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Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Review
Hey Guys, Drake here again. Kept you waiting huh? Let me start by saying that I miss David Hayter as Snake's voice actor, although Kiefer Sutherland is not bad you can tell the difference in Snake's voice easily. Now let's get on to the review. I remember the price tag for this game being $60 when I first asked about it, a couple of months later it dropped down to $40, then finally it settled at $30. A lot of people called it a glorified demo. I think Revengeance was a middle finger for MGS fans as it was only a 5 hour game with a $60 price tag and not much innovation. Why do I say this about ground zeroes, well let's do some math. MGS is half the price of Revengeance, but you can actually finish the game in 10 MINUTES! No I am not kidding, this is one of the reasons I did not put a video up because I do not want to spoil the game for anyone. Now beating it in 10 minutes does require you to do nothing but the main mission, but come on, there are other games out there that give you at least 10 hours of content if you forgo side mission and things like that. Sure when you finish the game you get some SIDE-OPS which are basically mini missions. Before I continue down this route lets move to the good parts of the game. The controls are awesome, then again MGS in my humble opinion has always had good controls. The weapon selection is quite limited but you have to understand that this is a stealth game, weapons are rarely a factor in this game, I think the most important part of the game were explosives to take care of some armored vehicles and Anti-Air weapons. Of course the Sleeping Dart gun plays a part if you want to get a good score in the game. The CQC makes a return in MGS V and it is way better than in previous games, it doesn't take much to knock out an enemy if you hit him just right, it's hard to explain here but for those of you who choose to play the game you will understand. There is innovation in Ground Zeroes but it falls really short of being a game, there are absolutely no boss fights, nothing is really explained of the story besides the fact that you have to rescue two people, and honestly it felt more like DLC than a game. I am a big fan of the Batman Arkham series but was never a fan of the challenge maps that were constantly released as DLC, MGS V feels exactly like that, like a DLC challenge map that I made the mistake of paying $30 for. I say it was a mistake because when Phantom Pain comes out in EARLY 2015 if the leaks are to be believed it will probably be bundled with GROUND ZEROES to make it one complete game. Yes readers they gave us a demo, the actual good game will not release for about a year if not more. Do I think Ground Zeroes brings something new to the table for the MGS series, yes, yes it does. Do I think Kojima could've just had this in the main game instead of making an extra $30 off of us fans, most definitely. Do I recommend you go out and buy this game? HELL NO! I think it is important to send a message to all video game companies that we are not money mills for them. I won't lie I didn't exactly pay the $30 I simply traded in a game I was not playing and got it free, technically I got $5 back since my game was worth more. I will however encourage you guys to borrow it if a friend already bought it, or rent it, believe me you won't spend more than a day playing this.
Drake's Reviews Rating... JUST A GLORIFIED DEMO, they keep telling us it's a prologue to the game, but if I can finish it in 10 minutes it's just a $30 demo, and no I don't care that it will give me extra items for Phantom Pain, it is not so much giving as it is paying $30 to have some extra stuff in a game I will pay $60 for later on. Steer clear of this one unless you really must absolutely have it.
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