Drake's Reviews brings you the latest information on Video games and Movies as well as reviewing them and giving them a score on a scale of 10. If you would like a specific game or movie reviewed, feel free to ask. Although we cannot review every movie or game, we will try our best to do so! Don't forget to Subscribe!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Arcade Game Review: Initial D Arcade Stage 4 Limited
This is another game that we'll probably never see stateside, but honestly I am thinking of making some sort of fund to bring games like these to the states, at least to my own private arcade hahahaha. If you've never heard of Initial D let me give you a bit of information. Initial D is an anime series about different groups that compete in street racing in this case drifting. If there is one negative aspect of this game it would have to be the graphics, which seem a bit outdated but they are still good nonetheless, but that is about the only thing that comes to mind and if you keep reading you will understand why. The arcade game or at least this version of it is unique in that it actually uses real car models for playing. You actually jump into one of three car models the game has available although it is not necessarily the one you pick to play as in the game. The cars are the WRX Subaru Impreza, Mazda RX-7 and a Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE86. Using real car models is not the only thing this game is known for, oh no that is just the beginning. Once you're inside any of the cars you will notice that it has real seats and it has a mock up a very realistic one of the gauges and other things you may find in these cars. As if that wasn't enough you play the whole game through the view of the car just like if you were driving and when you drift the entire car drifts with you! If you saw the video you can appreciate most the things I am describing here, but unfortunately that is all we can do for now. I hope someone notices that here in the USA we are also avid gamers and we would definitely be making line for games like these. I said it before and I will say it again Japan gets the best Video Games!
Drake Reviews Score (Arcade) 10 out of 10
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Game Review: Gundam: Bonds of the Battlefield
If there is something that bothers me about gaming in the US is that we do not get some of the amazing games that Japan gets, and I am not just talking about console games, but also about arcade games such as this. Gundam Senjo no Kizuna or Bonds of the Battlefield in English. To give you a simple idea of this game think about playing Call of Duty's Team Deathmatch, except you are actually the soldier in the game. With that being said you play the game inside a P.O.D. or Panoramic Optical Display, which simulates being inside the pilot's seat of an actual Mecha from the Gundam series. As you can see in the video the P.O.D. has two Joysticks to move your Gundam around, two pedals which are for jumping and boosting. Of course you also have your weapons buttons and the P.O.D. is equipped with headsets so you can talk to your teammates while you play. The best thing about this game is that it simulates the experience of being inside a giant Gundam very well. The pod vibrates with your steps, you can see around you just like they can in the cartoon, and you can even see the arms of the robot you are using. If you look for other videos on youtube you can even see how the targeting system works and how it can zoom in on enemies that are nowhere near your normal field of vision. The game is also played on an actual online network so you can play with people around the country. And a couple of months back there actually got to connect to people in China as well. Games like these never see a release stateside and that bothers me because honestly who wouldn't want to play a game this awesome? Even if you're not a fan of the Gundam series I think anyone could enjoy getting inside a giant robot simulator and cause some mayhem.
Drake Review's Score 10 out of 10.
(Please not this is an arcade game so we have different set of rules for scoring them.)
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Movie Review: The Expendables 2
Hey Drake’s Reviews it’s Rudy here, back one more time
and this time I bringing you a review on one of the best movies I’ve seen
lately, The Expendables 2! The second installment of The Expendables was just
released in theaters and might I add it was an adrenaline induced testosterone
binger. All I have to say is Chuck Norris! Thank you that's my review watch the
movie. Kidding, the movie itself is a mixture of the action and comedy genre.
There’s a lot jokes in this movie many of them at Toll Road's (Randy Couture)
expense and others based of movie references. Aside from the return of the
original cast from the first Expendables, Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham,
Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, and Terry Crews the cast is further
expanded by the addition of movie legends Liam Hemsworth, Chuck Norris,
Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bruce Willis, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unfortunately
all you Jet Li fans will be disappointed because Jet Li's character Ying Yang
only makes a short 10 minute appearance. Additionally Mickey Rourke does not
appear in the movie. Without revealing too much about the plot I can give our
readers a vague description of the plot. Mr. Church portrayed by Bruce Willis
sends Barney Ross (Sly Stallone) and the Expendables to retrieve a certain item
from a crashed airplane. While at the crash site the team is confronted by the
villain Jean Vilain played by Jean-Claude Van Damme, on a side note not a well
thought out name. Jean kills a new member of the team named Billy The Kid
portrayed by Liam Hemsworth. This gives fruit to the main story for the movie.
Chuck Norris first appearance shows how much of a bad ass he is as well.
Overall the movie is well done the action scenes are well executed. Also the
introduction of a new female character added to the story. The comical aspects
gave the movie a more casual feel demonstrating that it wasn't just an action
movie but it was planned as an action comedy. Personally I thought the villains
were at a disadvantage because Chuck Norris doesn't need to dodge bullets,
Bullets dodge Chuck Norris. Additionally even if a bullet miraculously hit him
he wouldn't die because Chuck Norris doesn't cheat death. He wins fair and
Drake’s Reviews Score 9.5 out of 10. For fear of Chuck
Norris round house kicking us in the face though it actually gets a 10.1!
Is this the future of video games? The Virtusphere!
As the years go by we've been witness to the changes video games have gone through. From a simple 2D game like Pac-Man to the 3D games on our current consoles to actual games that are in 3D thanks to our tv's and consoles like the 3D's, to the next dimension we experience with the Kinect, and now to this... Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you "The Virtusphere" I admit that the graphics aren't that great but that may be temporary at most. What is great about this system is that we are no longer just playing the game, we are the game. This is not exactly a review it's more of a realization of how far gaming has gone for me. Check out this information straight out of Virtusphere's website.
How it works: Virtusphere consists of a 10-foot hollow
sphere, which is placed on a
special platform that allows the sphere to rotate freely
in any direction according to
the user’s steps. Wearing a wireless, head-mounted display the user is able to walk and run being immersed
into virtual environment.
The movement by the user is replicated within the virtual
environment. The same
hardware set can be used for different applications by
changing only the software
Markets and applications for Virtusphere include but are
not limited to:
• Military, law
enforcement , and other dangerous occupations for safely
training, practical skills of users preparing for
dangerous environments
• Gaming and
• Health and
• Education and
• Architecture
and construction-site 3D model walk-through
• Virtual
travel and tourism
• Events and
• Home gaming
Granted the Virtusphere is not only for video games but think of the possibilities when it comes to gaming, imagine not playing as Master Chief, but being Master Chief. Imagine yourself jumping to land on a goomba or a turtle instead of having Mario do it. Imagine how awesome Call of Duty would be if we were the players! Perhaps I am getting a bit ahead of myself, as this giant plastic ball of gaming would cost you about $36,000 for the gaming rig you saw in the video, but hey we can dream right?
And yes the Virtusphere is made of plastic, the whole thing put together is about 440 pounds, the ball alone is about half of that weight, pretty light if you ask me for such a big rig. While the Virtusphere is not exactly cheap I honestly don't think it's as expensive as one might expect and the best thing of all, everything is completely wireless! No cables on your gun or your Heads Up Display Glasses. Perhaps the future of gaming is a bit farther than we think with these prizes, but that's how cars and tv's were when they first came out and now practically everyone can afford one. The Virtusphere would be great for gaming but not just because it lets you be in the game, it is also a work out, no more sitting on the couch and that is great in my opinion this would be truly enjoyable exercise, and the more you play the more fit you get, well depends on the game too I guess, but running around gunning opponents down would be a work out right? So what do you guys think of The Virtusphere? Write your comments down below.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Movie Review - TOTAL RECALL
In 1990 the first Total Recall movie loosely based on the short story "We can remember it for you wholesale" was released. It starred Arnold Schwarzenegger and it was a good movie from what I can remember. Now in 2012 we do not get a remake of that movie but a movie that is more true to it's source story. Total Recall stars Collin Farrell as Doug Quaid the titular character of the story. While it differs greatly from the 90's version it does not mean that it is a better movie. As a matter of fact it is a rather boring movie with some action signs thrown in the mix. You never really get a feel for the characters and there are really no awe-inspiring scenes. The most memorable part of the movie is seeing the type of cell phone that Quaid uses, it was pretty impressive but the original movie had way better gadgets and a better plot. You hate to see bad movies happen to good actors and this has been Collin Farrell's story as of late, but you have to remember that Jessica Biel, Kate Beckinsale, Bill Nighy and Brian Cranston are also in this movie and even then it's still a bad movie. It does have some nods to it's predecessor though so if you saw the original you will see somethings in this one that pay respects to it, but it will make you hate this movie even more. Total Recall is maybe worth the rental but not a trip to the theater.
Drake's Reviews Score 6 out of 10
Saturday, August 11, 2012
First Look: Injustice: Gods Among Us
If you thought DC Comics was going to let Marvel release a Deadpool game while they sat with their arms crossed you are in for a surprise. DC Comics along with Netherealm Studios are working on Injustice: Gods Among Us. DC previously released Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe with Midway before Midway went bankrupt and this time around they are working with Ed Boon of Mortal Kombat fame to release this new game under NetherRealm Studios which are basically the rebirth of Midway and WB Games Chicago. This time around only characters from the DC Universe will be featured although the game is reminiscent of the Mortal Kombat franchise. No plot for the game has been released yet, but the trailer hints at heroes possibly becoming a threat to the Earth. The moves seem to be over the top and characters are shown in a much more violent light that they have done so in their respective cartoons and games. Ed Boon has stated that characters will fall into different types, such as power characters like Superman and Solomon Grundy, Gadget users like Batman and Cyborg and Speedsters like The Flash. The characters will have a super move meter bar but there has been no word on fatalities which would have been awesome but it is understandable if they are not included right? After all DC will probably restrict the amount of violence that can be shown in one of their games just like they did with MK vs DCU. After the success of the latest Batman games, we hope that DC keeps up the good work and NetherRealm Studios is a well known producer of great fighting games so we hope that this formula doesn't change, although it is a formula that is a bit repetitive by now except with only DC characters this time around. Injustice: God Among Us is set to release in 2013 for the Wii U, the Xbox 360 and the PS3, stay tuned for more information on the future of this game.
Drake's Reviews Score (Pre-Release) 8.5 out of 10
First Look: Deadpool
Hey Internets we got a review for you to read! For those of you who have been waiting for a game that is all about combining business and pleasure you got something awesome coming your way! Activision is working on a game for the very popular Marvel characer Deadpool. Marvel fans couldn't agree more when it comes to a Marvel character deserving their own game. High Moon Studios, developers of games such as Darkwatch, Transformers: War for Cybertron and The Bourne Conspiracy game. While no formal story has been given about the game the screen in the trailer pretty much tell us that it will be an action game with the ever popular one-liners Deadpool is well known for, and he will apparently be breaking the fourth wall a couple of times within the game, something for which he is also known for. For those who may not know this character, Deadpool is a mercenary from the Marvel universe that possesses a healing factor like Wolverine that also slows down his aging, is an expert in various martial arts as well as in the use of many types of weapons, specially his Katana's. Deadpool is also mentally unstable and has the ability to teleport thanks to a teleportation device and is an expert marksman. The game is set to release in 2013 for the PS3 and the Xbox 360. If what we see in the trailer is any indication of what the game will be like, it is definitely worth the wait, Deadpool is crazy, funny and best of all he is not a hero, he is just layers and layers of bad ass anti-hero and if High Moon Studios is faithful to the source this could prove to be an amazing game.
Drake's Reviews Score (Pre-Release) 10 out of 10
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
First Look: Dishonored
Here is a link for a gameplay trailer as well if you want to check it out.
The newest game by Bethesda Softworks, Dishonored looks like it's going to be another success in the Bethesda library. In Dishonored you play as a bodyguard assigned to the Empress called Corvo Atano. He was a considered the best in his job but is framed for the murder of the Empress and is put in jail awaiting his execution. Corvo is then visited by a man simply known as "The Outsider" who seems to be very powerful as he shows that he can teleport in an out of Corvo's cell like if it was child's play and he also gives Corvo a mark that allows him to use a variety of magical abilities. The game is set in a city called Dunwall and it seems to be a steampunk kind of city with some very high tech machines for the time period that the game seems to take place in which looks like the 1900's. Corvo will be able to use a variety of weapons which include knives, swords, crossbow and a variety of guns. He will also be able to use different powers such as stopping time, teleportation and even possession. The game is set on Corvo getting revenge on those who framed him and even though it is not an open world game it allows the player to choose the way they want to go through a mission, whether it is killing everything in their path, performing only stealth kills, a mixture of both, or even taking care of the mission without killing such as performing an action on behalf of another NPC that in turn gets Corvo's target accidentally killed or kidnapped and never seen again. Your actions have an impact on the overall outcome of the game and the state the city finds itself in through a"Chaos" system. This system makes a record of all your actions whether it's killing of NPC's, certain dialog options and using violent methods to dispose of your targets. This in turn affects how the plague affects citizens and how many more animals spread it. The plague is something else you must confront in the game, it seems to only affect the poor and the more mayhem you cause the worst it seems to get. The game will be seen only in first-person from what we have gathered so far and the environments look beautiful but if you saw the gameplay trailer you can notice a few things that just seem too cartoony, like the blood, some of the expressions of the faces of NPC's and even some of the angles of the weapons as Corvo stabs his targets. It looks bad and it really detracts from the a game that shows off some impressive environments, hopefully this will be fixed before the final release of the game. Dishonored is set to be released on October 9, 2012 in America with releases in Australia and Europe only 2 and 3 days later. It will be released on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. Dishonored is one of the games that I have been waiting for the most I hope it doesn't disappoint.
Drake's Reviews (Pre-Release) 8 out of 10
Game Review: The Walking Dead
Hey there Drake's Reviews reader this is Rudy A.K.A The Drunken Munkey. While Drake is busy with research on other games and getting those prizes ready for our Facebook followers here's the address if you haven't subscribed to our page yet (https://www.facebook.com/DrakesReviews)I am here to give you a review of The Walking Dead game that is now out for PS3, Xbox 360, PC, MAC and for iPhone and iPad. The game is split up into episodes and sadly only 2 episodes out of 5 are available at the moment. I'm not going to say much about the story but the game has the essential factors that make The Walking Dead awesome. In the game you play as Lee Everett a College Professor that's been arrested and is on his way to jail. The game is not your typical run and gun zombie game, it is actually based on choices as you can see in the trailer and be wary Drake's Reviews readers each choice has a consequence. Each choice that you take changes the final outcome of the game. There's a moment in the game were you must make a choice between saving a child or saving a man pinned under a tractor, who would you save or save? This is a creative way to incite replaying the game because there's always that "what if?" factor. The game is lacking in some areas though, the expressions characters have on their faces when something bad or awesome happens are pretty unemotional, from kids not even frowning at a zombie eating a person or getting it's head blown off to adults having a surprised face for about a second and then going back to normal as if nothing had happened. At the end of the game you also get an indicator on how your choices compare to the rest of the world a global ranking if you will. Telltale games is a company known for building games around the choice factor and they are good at what they do and they have released information saying they will be working on a season 2 of the game. While a game of this type may not be everyone's cup of tea it is actually a pretty fun game, the graphics are cartoony but the game is actually good, although I have always been expecting the zombie apocalypse so I'm ready for it, are you? And don't forget my zombie hunting number 1 tip. Two in the chest and one in the head!
Drake's Reviews Score 8 out of 10
-Rudy A.k.A Drunken Monkey
Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Multiplayer Reveal Trailer
The Multiplayer trailer for Black Ops 2 is finally out and it is filled with some welcome surprises. Riot Shields are back, we have a new high tech looking Tomahawk, and a whole lot of new kill streaks from what the trailer shows. Being a fan of the COD series I have to say, some of the kill streaks in this game look overpowered but they may be high level ones or they may be easily destroyed we do not know yet. The graphics look really good and it seems that you die more easily than in other games in the series, which is a bit more realistic and it's not all that unwelcome. The maps the game show seem to vary from very open in a section to close quarter combat in the next, it seems they keep a balance in their maps unlike previous entries where it was just a huge map or a really small one, not that it was bad but sometimes it was a bit boring to run around a large map just looking for the enemy. The weapons in the trailer do not feel like they add anything new except new looks for old weapons, it may just be me but I heard "Future" and I immediately though about laser guns and light sabers, and all we saw was a high tech tomahawk, it's cool but I mean come on, it's still just an axe. I wont even lie though I already want to play this game both the campaign mode and the multiplayer.
Drake's Reviews Score on the multiplayer (Pre-Release) 8 out of 10
Saturday, August 4, 2012
The Game Genie Is Back!
Remember back in the 90's when the game genie was released for various consoles? It was a wonderful new machine or "game enhancer" that would allow you to gain infinite continues, infinite lives, more energy, invincibility, skip levels, and pretty much every cheat you could think of by altering the binary code of the game you were playing. Back in the day even Nintendo tried to sue Galoob, the original makers of the Game Genie and the courts judged in favor of Galoob because they said that it in no way altered what Nintendo claimed it did, that using a Game Genie was like skipping parts of a book. Well it's been over 20 years since that time and it seems that the Game Genie is back! A company by the name of Hyperkin was released a new Game Genie version, this time it's for the PS3 and it comes in the form of a USB drive. This time around however you wont be modifying anything in the PS3 directly, rather you will put your game saves in the PS3 and then through the use of a PC you will be able to mod your game save sort of like they do for PC games. The game genie website will provide you with new codes as they are developed. The company also claims that NONE of these cheats will work for online multiplayer, and if there are some that do they will quickly eliminate them. This in my opinion is a big concern, as it is we have glitchers in the online gaming communities and now they may have the help of this device. I am not against using the Game Genie for your own gain on your offline gaming experience, some people say it breaks the game, I say hey if you think it's fun then by all means it's your game that you paid for so do with is as you like, but I do hope it doesn't break online gaming due to exploits. On the downside however the Game Genie doesn't exactly let you do things such as giving yourself invincibility, or the ability to walk through walls or even giving yourself infinite ammo, and this is because as of right now, the Game Genie only lets you alter things that are already found within the game, so if your game does not have an infinite ammo mode say after you finish it or an invincibility mode then the Game Genie will not be able to create it, there is no word on if this will change at a later date though. The Game Genie was released on July 17th this year for the PS3, and is following up with the recently released Nintendo DS version, and I'm sure more are on the way. The PS3 version retails for $29.99 and the DS version for $19.99. Will you be getting yours?
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