Drake's Reviews brings you the latest information on Video games and Movies as well as reviewing them and giving them a score on a scale of 10. If you would like a specific game or movie reviewed, feel free to ask. Although we cannot review every movie or game, we will try our best to do so! Don't forget to Subscribe!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Movie Review: Step Up Revolution
Step Up has been a series of movies that sometimes feel a little cliched, but the awesome dance moves and the funny moments can quickly makes us forget about the plot itself. Step Up Revolution is the 4th installment in the franchise, but it does fall a bit short when compared to the others. I've heard a lot of criticism on this movie saying that the franchise has gotten repetitive, so let's recap the stories. In the first one it was about a girl wanting to graduate the Maryland School of Arts (MSA) and her dream of belonging to a famous dance company, she also had a male lead who had fallen on rough times and through making a mistake he finds that he belongs in school (MSA) and proves he is more than a trouble maker, they dance awesome and they go on to join a dance company and travel the country. In the second movie we get a girl who has fallen on rough times and she finds herself having to join MSA and succeeding as a dancer and as a student or risk having to move away from her friends and basically her life. She also has a male lead a student that is gifted like the girl from the first movie and has a dream of being an awesome dancer but he wants to participate in a contest that is deemed unfit for society because only people from the streets dance in said contest and the contest is called "The Streets" so there's that too. In the end they win the contest and they pretty much make MSA acknowledge that "The Streets" is a legitimate contest and they live happily ever after. In the third movie, a character from the second movie by the name of Moose is the protagonist. Moose has stopped dancing to study electrical engineering at NYU. He sees a guy wearing a pair of shoes he likes and follows the guy for reasons yet unknown to any male that saw the movie, because come on man you're going crazy over shoes. He ends up in a dance battle by accident, we've all been there am I right? You're walking alone in the park just following some dude that has shoes you like and BAM! All of a sudden you're in a dance battle with a dude they call Kid Darkness and you just owned this guy with your awesome dance moves and the police is after you because your dance moves are a lethal weapon or something. Moose joins up with the guy who was wearing the pair of shoes he likes because he helps him escape from the cops and takes him to a warehouse full of homeless dancers. At this point any rational human being would be freaked out of their mind, but not Moose... he really wants those shoes. It turns out the warehouse is actually a club and Moose joins up with the dancers from the club to defeat this other crew that wants to take their warehouse and possibly the shoes. The movie introduces another male lead, the owner of the warehouse who just wants to save the warehouse and helps dancers that have fallen on hard times, it also has a female lead who is a very talented female dancer who has fallen on hard times so she joins the warehouse dancers. In the end it turns out the girl is rich and is the sister of the bad guy and the male lead is actually the one who has fallen on hard times and may lose his warehouse so Moose helps them win a dance contest and the dude leaves with the girl, he goes to film school and she's rich so she does some rich people stuff and Moose gets a girlfriend. In the fourth movie... picture everything I told you from the other movies but in one movie. We have an electrical engineer who does FX for the crew of the new male lead, amazing dancers that have fallen on hard times, a rich dancer girl, a male lead who wants to save something (his neighborhood) from the rich girl's dad who wants to demolish it to build hotels and stuff, they are trying to win a contest but not a dance contest but they want to win it by dancing... IN THE STREETS... and the rich girl wants to join a famous dance company, but it's not the same as other movies because no one is in love with shoes. So pretty much the critics are right it's a repetitive story, and the dancing was not as awesome as in the other movies, but it was still awesome. The story was weak and predictable but the dancing did help it move along, mainly because of how elaborate it was in using the settings they were in, from streets, to art galleries, to restaurants, etc. Step Up Revolution is a good movie but definitely not a must watch.
Drake's Reviews Score 7 out of 10
Monday, July 30, 2012
Movie Review: Brave
The move Brave from Disney-Pixar studios was released on June 22nd in the US. Drake's Reviews just recently had the chance to see it. Brave is the story of a princess by the name of Merida. It is known as the movie that breaks from the damsel in distress played by the typical Disney princess, to the princess who is the protagonist and main hero of her own story. While I usually do not get into detail I will explain the premise of the story. Merida is a tomboyish princess and is going to be betrothed against her will with one of the prince's the first son of one of her father's 3 allies. She proposes that the 3 competing princes compete for her hand in an archery contest something that she is an expert at, with hopes that they will fail and she can show that they are not a good match for her. From this part of the story and forward she finds herself in a world of trouble to change what is tradition in the kingdom. The movie is actually pretty funny, emotional and it teaches kids and adults alike a valuable lesson. Brave is sure to give children something to laugh about and adults something to think about, it is a great movie for the family although it does have some things that may be a bit more fit for an adult audience even though the kids wont get it. It does suffer from some scenes that just go on for too long however and may bore you in certain parts. Do stay for a post-credits scene if you're not in a rush to get to the restroom though!
Drake's Reviews Score 8 out of 10
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Drake's Reviews is by no means gone, we are just upgrading our equipment to better serve our followers. We will be back within the week with new reviews and new elements and upgrades, it's a lot of hard work but we are here to stay and we will continue to provide you with unbiased reviews of your favorite games and movies. Thanks for your continued support.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
First Look: The Last of Us
Naughty Dog is already quite famous for it's Uncharted series, but it seems that in The Last of Us they have taken out the big guns. I tried to pick a trailer that I felt would best represent this game, but I couldn't really pick one as they are all awesome, so I opted instead for this gameplay trailer which is a little long at 7 minutes but believe me you will love every second of it. The Last of Us is the story of Joel and his companion Ellie a 14 year old girl. In this game a plague has decimated civilization and it has turned some humans into mutant creatures that sort of look like a cross between plant and zombie. The game begins in a quarantine zone in the city of Boston 20 years after said plague has destroyed civilization. For reasons yet unknown a friend of Joel is dying and asks the protagonist to protect Ellie who lives in a boarding house in the quarantine zone. Joel a black market dealer of weapons and drugs as well as being a survivor honors his friend's wishes and rescues Ellie and thus begins their trip to get out of the quarantine zone. The game will apparently take place in various places throughout the U.S. which is now pretty much reclaimed by nature and is filled with the infected, and other survivors that are hostile towards Joel and Ellie. As if this wasn't enough, Joel and Ellie must scavenge to survive, as you saw in the video ammo seems pretty limited and Joel isn't exactly an expert marksman, which in my opinion adds realism to the game. We also saw how Ellie is actually a pretty useful character even though she is controlled by the AI of the game, saving Joel and assisting him throughout their quest. I highly recommend checking out other trailers for this game you so can see the different aspects and situations that Joel and Ellie will find themselves in. Joel and Ellie is a meeting of two worlds, Joel knows how the world was before the plague and Ellie on the other hand was born after the plague hit, so all she knows is the world she lives in and is very curious as to how the world used to be before the plague. During the game Joel and Ellie seem to develop a father-daughter relationship and this is important as they are all each other has in the world of The Last of Us. The game will feature what Naughty Dog has called "Dynamic Stealth" which means the the player will be able to try many different strategies to every situation, and the enemies will act differently depending on the players strategy, giving the player a different experience in every encounter and giving the game more overall depth. Their is no release date for the game yet but I can tell you that this is only a PS3 exclusive game.
The game has already received many awards and it is generally believed that it is a strong contender for the Game of the Year award. With a story developed by Naughty Dog which is a studio known for great story lines, graphics that look very realistic, a gameplay style that offers so many choices and what seems so far to be an awesome AI for both enemies and your companion Ellie, The Last of Us is a game you definitely don't want to miss.
Drake's Reviews Score (Pre-Release) 10 out of 10
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Is the Wii U worth it?
There is still no release date for the Nintendo Wii U, but the hype has grown exponentially on Nintendo's new game system and it's innovative design. The new controller or Gamepad, has caught the attention of many and it brings something new and awesome to motion gaming. The uses we have seen for the gamepad are indeed worthy of admiration, and the games announced for the Wii U are pretty popular titles. With such an innovative formula, great games and the fact that is Nintendo, I would believe that the Wii U is sure to be a hit, but is it really? Let's take a look as to why the Wii U could be a failure for Nintendo and may alienate some hardcore gamers.
First of all the Gamepad
It can do some incredible things, it lets you chat with your friends. Provided they have the Wii U of course. It lets you play a game even with your TV off, and it can even send videos you are watching on it straight to your TV. Now lets think about this for a minute and make a comparison between the Wii U gamepad and a smartphone which has pretty much the same functions. When I do things like this on my phone, my battery dies rather quickly and it is to be expected right? Well the Wii U Gamepad has the same exact problem, the battery only lasts 3-5 hours before needing to recharge, Nintendo has confirmed this. They say you can play your games while you charge it, but the whole point of the system is being free from cords that get in the way, and in games where you need to shake your Gamepad around I would fear the moment where I could straight up pulled my system to the ground because it was connected to my Gamepad. Also the Wii-Mote had a strap so that it wouldn't fall or fly away with the motions, I have yet to see this with the Wii-U Gamepad and after being witness to some major accidents due to not wearing the Wii-Mote strap it just makes me fear for my Gamepad and other things around my house. Now when I spoke about hardcore gamers being alienated what I meant was that when we get a new game do we really only play 3-5 hours? How about when we have friends over? And see this is where my next negative aspect of the Wii U comes in.
The Wii U system itself
First of all the Gamepad
The Wii U system itself
Nintendo has yet to release the full specs of the system, it has released some like the CPU and GPU are rather vague such as saying that the CPU is an IBM Power-based multi core processor and the GPU and AMD Radeon-based HD GPU. For those who may not be as familiar with those terms it would be like saying that a car has a motor made by Toyota and no details are given for the motor. Also the system can only handle 2 Gamepads, which may not be that bad right? At least you can play with your friend now, the news before said only one would be supported and the rest would have to use Wii-motes. Two Gamepads would make the system more fun right? It would if it didn't lower the frame rate from 60FPS to 30FPS, what the hell Nintendo? I was looking forward to playing some ZombiU with a friend at home or maybe some other games, but when the action slows down just because you connect an extra controller this becomes a really bad idea. The system specs also say that 1080p is supported, but the initial games seem to all be in 720p and there is no confirmation on whether they can be upscaled to 1080p. This is comparable to the PS3 and XBOX 360, but this being a next-gen console leaves much to be desired, it is a very capable machine and they are holding it back, at least it looks that way right now. Nintendo has also said that at launch they would only offer games that support only one Gamepad, maybe because they will release a patch that will improve the frame rate for two Gamepads but there has been no word on that so right now it is just my wishful thinking.
It looks as if the Wii U will be released to a myriad of bothersome little details that may hinder the gaming experience of some. I really wanted to believe that the Wii U would be great, and it may well be, but for now I do not think I will be an early adopter, I think with this new information I will be a cautious consumer and just wait a bit to see what the Nintendo Wii U is all about. What do you guys think?
Drake's Reviews 1st Episode!
Here is the first Youtube episode of Drake's Reviews, yes the one that almost got banned. The quality of the sound is a little bad, but we will continue to improve the quality of our material. We hope you enjoy it and leave us your comments, suggestions and subscribe to our youtube channel! Thanks for all the support!
Monday, July 23, 2012
My Battle Against UBISOFT
Before I start this part of the blog let me just add that I am in no way affiliated with UBISOFT, that I am using their logo to research, report, criticize and even educate on how I feel this company has violated my rights under the "Fair Use Act." I will seek to demonstrate in this post what happened between UBISOFT and myself that made me reach this conclusion and how they are violating the U.S. Flag code in their upcoming game Assassin's Creed III and how they sold their game Ghost Recon: Future Soldier via false advertisement. With that being said, thanks for once again taking the time to read a post in Drake's Reviews.
First of all the Drake's Reviews team decided to start a video blog on YouTube to review games and inform you of them, of course in order to better do this we used the trailers for the games. Now let's get into the "Fair Use Act" and what it says...
The doctrine of fair use has developed through a substantial number of court decisions over the years and has been codified in section 107 of the copyright law.
Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Section 107 also sets out four factors to be considered in determining whether or not a particular use is fair.
In essence the fair use act says as follows - In United States copyright law, fair use is a doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. Examples of fair use include commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching, library archiving and scholarship.
So here's the rest of our story. We made a video with trailers from the movie The Dark Knight Rises, and the games Assassin's Creed 3, ZombiU, and the DLC Dawnguard for the game Skyrim. We uploaded it to YouTube and moments later we got an email saying this...
Dear DrakesVGReviews,
Your video "Drake's Reviews 1st Episode!", may have content that is owned or licensed by Comcast Entertainment Group. As a result, the video has been blocked on YouTube.
Dear DrakesVGReviews,
Your video "Drake's Reviews 1st Episode!", may have content that is owned or licensed by Ubisoft. As a result, the video has been blocked on YouTube.
Dear DrakesVGReviews,
Your video "Drake's Reviews 1st Episode!", may have content that is owned or licensed by europapress. As a result, the video has been blocked on YouTube.
Sure enough our video did have content owned by these three companies, and even though we have a disclaimer at the end I can assure you the law says that even if we give credit we are still in violation depending on the situation, so believe me we were following what the law says. YouTube gave us the option of filing of dispute and state the reasons why so we did. We answered that under the law we not only gave credit but that under the fair use act our video was commenting, criticizing, and reporting on the products the companies were selling to us. So then we got another email saying this...
Dear DrakesVGReviews,
europapress has reviewed your dispute and released its copyright claim on your video, "Drake's Reviews 1st Episode!"
Dear DrakesVGReviews,
Comcast Entertainment Group has reviewed your dispute and released its copyright claim on your video, "Drake's Reviews 1st Episode!"
Dear DrakesVGReviews,
Ubisoft has reviewed your dispute and reinstated its copyright claim on your video, "Drake's Reviews 1st Episode!".
Ubisoft reinstated their claim, and it is our believe they just did it without actually reading our dispute to the claim like the other two companies did, now YouTube still allowed us to post the video and told us our account was in good standing that this would not affect us, but it angered me that UBISOFT was acting this way, we praised their games, heck I am not a big fan of Assassin's Creed, but after seeing what they did for AC3 I want to buy it instead of just borrowing it from a friend, when I saw ZombiU it made me want to buy a Wii U just so I could play ZombiU with my friends. So because I feel that they are violating my rights under the fair act and will not change their mind even after the evidence presented, I now present to you two articles that discuss the way UBISOFT has stolen from it's customers and how they are violating the U.S. Flag. I do not believe anything done at Drake's Reviews is as bad as what they are doing for money and the only thing they did after the false advertisement in their game which I must add remained even when the game was release and on the game box art nonetheless all they did was apologize, they were sorry for it, no refunds, no add on, no nothing.
This article talks about the lack of a co-op campaign and the one under it, is from players actually complaining in the UBISOFT forums
These next two articles are the ones that talk about the US FLAG CODE violation by UBISOFT
While I presented evidence as to why my use of their content was protected under the "Fair Use Act" UBISOFT still tried to get my video banned and made no attempt to correct the mistake on their game GHOST RECON: FUTURE SOLDIER and is now using our flag in a way that is against the law. Shouldn't UBISOFT be held to the same standards they are holding me responsible for? Or are they above the law because they are a big corporation? What do you guys think about this? Can UBISOFT really be trusted to tell me what the law is if they themselves do not follow it? Please give me your opinion, readers.
Here's my reply to UBISOFT in the same way they did to us customers, and yes people I pre-ordered Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and played it till the end.
UBISOFT... I apologize.
That should be enough since that's what they did to us right?
First of all the Drake's Reviews team decided to start a video blog on YouTube to review games and inform you of them, of course in order to better do this we used the trailers for the games. Now let's get into the "Fair Use Act" and what it says...
The doctrine of fair use has developed through a substantial number of court decisions over the years and has been codified in section 107 of the copyright law.
Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Section 107 also sets out four factors to be considered in determining whether or not a particular use is fair.
When it is impracticable to obtain permission, you should consider avoiding the use of copyrighted material unless you are confident that the doctrine of fair use would apply to the situation.
- The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes
- The nature of the copyrighted work
- The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
I will not stop using your material just like you didn't give us anything for the false advertisement on your game, and also make sure to follow the US Flag Code UBISOFT, this is America and we respect our flag!
- The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work
In essence the fair use act says as follows - In United States copyright law, fair use is a doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. Examples of fair use include commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching, library archiving and scholarship.
So here's the rest of our story. We made a video with trailers from the movie The Dark Knight Rises, and the games Assassin's Creed 3, ZombiU, and the DLC Dawnguard for the game Skyrim. We uploaded it to YouTube and moments later we got an email saying this...
Dear DrakesVGReviews,
Your video "Drake's Reviews 1st Episode!", may have content that is owned or licensed by Comcast Entertainment Group. As a result, the video has been blocked on YouTube.
Dear DrakesVGReviews,
Your video "Drake's Reviews 1st Episode!", may have content that is owned or licensed by Ubisoft. As a result, the video has been blocked on YouTube.
Dear DrakesVGReviews,
Your video "Drake's Reviews 1st Episode!", may have content that is owned or licensed by europapress. As a result, the video has been blocked on YouTube.
Sure enough our video did have content owned by these three companies, and even though we have a disclaimer at the end I can assure you the law says that even if we give credit we are still in violation depending on the situation, so believe me we were following what the law says. YouTube gave us the option of filing of dispute and state the reasons why so we did. We answered that under the law we not only gave credit but that under the fair use act our video was commenting, criticizing, and reporting on the products the companies were selling to us. So then we got another email saying this...
Dear DrakesVGReviews,
europapress has reviewed your dispute and released its copyright claim on your video, "Drake's Reviews 1st Episode!"
Dear DrakesVGReviews,
Comcast Entertainment Group has reviewed your dispute and released its copyright claim on your video, "Drake's Reviews 1st Episode!"
Dear DrakesVGReviews,
Ubisoft has reviewed your dispute and reinstated its copyright claim on your video, "Drake's Reviews 1st Episode!".
Ubisoft reinstated their claim, and it is our believe they just did it without actually reading our dispute to the claim like the other two companies did, now YouTube still allowed us to post the video and told us our account was in good standing that this would not affect us, but it angered me that UBISOFT was acting this way, we praised their games, heck I am not a big fan of Assassin's Creed, but after seeing what they did for AC3 I want to buy it instead of just borrowing it from a friend, when I saw ZombiU it made me want to buy a Wii U just so I could play ZombiU with my friends. So because I feel that they are violating my rights under the fair act and will not change their mind even after the evidence presented, I now present to you two articles that discuss the way UBISOFT has stolen from it's customers and how they are violating the U.S. Flag. I do not believe anything done at Drake's Reviews is as bad as what they are doing for money and the only thing they did after the false advertisement in their game which I must add remained even when the game was release and on the game box art nonetheless all they did was apologize, they were sorry for it, no refunds, no add on, no nothing.
This article talks about the lack of a co-op campaign and the one under it, is from players actually complaining in the UBISOFT forums
These next two articles are the ones that talk about the US FLAG CODE violation by UBISOFT
While I presented evidence as to why my use of their content was protected under the "Fair Use Act" UBISOFT still tried to get my video banned and made no attempt to correct the mistake on their game GHOST RECON: FUTURE SOLDIER and is now using our flag in a way that is against the law. Shouldn't UBISOFT be held to the same standards they are holding me responsible for? Or are they above the law because they are a big corporation? What do you guys think about this? Can UBISOFT really be trusted to tell me what the law is if they themselves do not follow it? Please give me your opinion, readers.
Here's my reply to UBISOFT in the same way they did to us customers, and yes people I pre-ordered Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and played it till the end.
UBISOFT... I apologize.
That should be enough since that's what they did to us right?
Friday, July 20, 2012
Movie Review: Batman The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises is without a doubt a promising title in the Batman franchise. It's got the herculean mercenary Bane, it's got the sexy leading lady Catwoman and of course Batman and new toys! The movie starts out at a slow pace, but the action seems to peek out soon enough. Many things in the movie however are left unexplained. In order to keep this review spoiler free I will not go into full details but I will have to mention some things that went well and others that really did not. First of all lets get into Batman's new toys, he finally unleashes that Batwing into the world. While we have seen in the trailers, it looks even more incredible throughout the movie, although in this movie it is only called "The Bat." The Batmobile sadly does not make an appearance, but the Batpod is reintroduced and it plays a bigger part than in the last movie. In addition to this Batman now carries an EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) gun that fries electronics and makes vehicles come to a stop. He also seems to carry a version of the EMP where the effect is only temporary. The fighting is as good as ever but somehow it seems slower, maybe to give us a better view. Bane's fight against Batman proves how much of a force Bane is compared to Batman and those who have read the comics will re-live some iconic moments. Catwoman is just as graceful as in the comics as well and also just as sneaky. The movie has originality aplenty but it also deviates a lot from the Batman mythos. The movie does not give us a really good glimpse at Catwoman's costume and it doesn't help that the costume doesn't really look like in the comics and Anne Hathaway's role as Catwoman is too emotional and not quirky enough as Catwoman really is. Bane is very strong, unfortunately he does not wear a mask like in the comics, it is very hard to understand what he is saying in certain parts of the movie and he does not make use of the one thing that makes him be the menace he is in the comic books, the substance known as Venom which turns him into a hulking behemoth of even greater strength. The movie also takes many liberties with characters and their origins, liberties that will greatly upset fans and more likely than not even those who follow even the most basic of Batman's history. The movie does have it's twists, some that will be enjoyed and others that will highly disappoint. There is no need to stay until the end credits are over as there is no extra scene at the end, this movie could've really used it though. The Dark Knight Rises was called the end of the trilogy and by the end of the movie it really seems that way yet at the same time it doesn't. As I previously mentioned there are twists but the direction the movie took makes some of those twists unusable. The story of the movie is great and very original, the deviation from it's source is actually not all that welcome and can make the movie feel broken, and with the lack of explanations of many of the aspects of certain characters it will leave you wondering if this was really a Batman movie or an attempt to cash in on the success of the past two movies. One clear example of this is Bane's mask, there is no explanation as to why does he need it and what does it actually do, it feels more like a gimmick than a necessity. Overall the movie is good but not great, although originality and great special effects may be what saves it, the lack of information and lack of a real back story to some of the characters may be what takes away from it's success.
Drake's Reviews Score 8 out of 10
Monday, July 16, 2012
Hellboy surprises "Make-A-Wish" Fan
Hellboy may be here to cause the apocalypse but actor Ron Perlman definitely earned his place in Heaven. A 6 year old fan by the name of Zachary is currently undergoing treatment for leukemia and expressed to the Make-A-Wish foundation his desire to meet and become his hero Hellboy. The foundation then contacted Spectral Motion Inc. the designers and creators of many of the creatures for the Hellboy movies. Spectral Motion went above and beyond the request of the Make-A-Wish foundation of having someone be Hellboy, they instead contacted actor Ron Perlman and told him about the request, Ron Perlman was more than happy to help out and went in to the Spectral Motion offices to undergo 4 hours of make-up to make Zachary's wish come true. Mr. Perlman then went on to order hamburgers, milkshakes and fries for the Spectral Motion Crew, as well as for Zachary and his family and went on to have a meal with him and just spend the day making him happy. Zachary also underwent his own Hellboy transformation. This is one of those moments where we can really appreciate the magic that movies bring into our lives and we really get to see how much an actor cares for all of his fans no matter how old or young they may be. Spectral Motion also deserves a big shout out for going above and beyond this request. Ron Perlman and Spectral Motion, Drake's Reviews salutes you and wishes nothing but more success in all you future endeavors, it is people like you guys that make the industry great! If you would like to see see more pictures of the meeting visit the link below!
Drake's Reviews Score - Definitely an 11 out of 10!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Movie Review: Savages
Savages is the latest movie of Director Oliver Stone, whom you may remember for directing movies such as Platoon, Wall Street, JFK and Natural Born Killers. In this movie we are introduced to a pair of drug dealers called Ben and Chon. Ben is a former UC Berkley graduate with a degree in business and botany and Chon is a former US Navy SEAL. Ben prefers that all his deals involve no violence and definitely no deaths. Chon acts as his enforcer tracking down those who refuse to honor their side of the deal and convincing them with violence but not killing anyone to respect Ben's wishes. Due to Ben treating his deals as a legitimate business he manages to build a large network of trusted dealers for his Marijuana production. Ben and Chon also share a polyamourous relationship with a girl called Ophelia Sage, whom they call O. They are also aided by a corrupt DEA agent called Dennis who takes a cut from their business earnings, but protects them from being caught. Everything seems to be going fine until they are approached by a Mexican drug cartel ran by Elena Sanchez who is played by actress Salma Hayek. Because Ben deems the cartel too savage he refuses to join them and Elena decides to kidnap O to force them into business with them. Ben and Chon are forced to work for Elena but plot their revenge and O's rescue. This being the plot of the movie makes it sound really interesting, and the movie is actually interesting but it is not without it's flaws. The movie trailer makes this movie seem like a story of revenge where these two guys don ballistic masks painted in a skull pattern and go on a killing spree on a Mexican cartel. This is as far as this idea goes as you see very little of this activity so keep this in mind before watching the movie it is not a run and gun movie by any means. The movie takes a realistic approach when it comes to Ben and Chon's abilities and even the abilities of the team of former soldiers working under Chon, they are by no means invincible. Ben cannot shoot a gun to save his life and freezes when he actually has too almost getting Chon killed at some point. Chon being a former SEAL has a lot of experience shooting but resorts too much to his violent side if he is not kept under control by Ben. This actually made the movie that much better and believable. I am not a big fan of Salma Hayek, but as a cartel boss in this movie she does an impressive job, in my opinion her part was the best. Benicio del Toro also plays a great role as Lado one of Elena's henchmen. Blake Lively's part as Ophelia carries the movie in the sense that she is the main reason Ben and Chon are doing what they're doing but her part is rather boring and doesn't add much to the movie. Dennis played by actor John Travolta plays sort of a minor role in this movie but the amount of time he is on screen is actually good as he is not the bad ass he plays in every movie and is seen as a vulnerable target of the drug business he is in. The movie has an unexpected ending that will leave audiences bored as it is very anti-climatic and overall feeling like this movie had it's good parts but carried on for too long and didn't really excite as much as the trailer did.
Drake's Reviews Score 6.5 out of 10
First Look: Resident Evil 6
Capcom has unveiled the latest installment in the Resident Evil saga, Resident Evil 6. While I haven't been a big fan of the saga until the fourth game, I must say that RE: 6 looks great and I will definitely be playing this installment. Now onto the premise of the story. The game takes place in the year 2013, the President of the U.S. Adam Benford wants to reveal what really happened in Raccoon City in 1998. He believes that if he tells the world how horrible this incident was, it will stop bio-terrorists from wanting to infect people with the viruses produced by Umbrella Corp. Before the President makes his announcement the place is attacked by bioterrorits and the President becomes infected, forcing Leon Kennedy from RE: 2 and RE: 4 to kill him. The trailer then reveals that in Europe, a mercenary by the name of Jake Muller who we later find out is actually the son of Albert Wesker has managed to escape from the authorities thanks to a bioterrorist attack. Later we see Chris Redfield and the members of his B.S.A.A. team arrive in what appears to be a city in China, that is actually a fictional city called Lanshiang. The city is also under attack by bioterrorists. The entire world is apparently being turned into infected or better known as "zombies" by bioterrorists. In the game we will get to control all three of these characters, Leon, Chris and Jake who by the looks of the trailer all have different fighting styles. New to the series are creatures called J'avo which are infected that can actually use weapons and even use weapons! I don't know if it's just me but Jake appears to have super human strength in the trailer, while Chris seems to rely more on wrestling moves like he did before and Leon seems to be very handy with handguns. If you guys are considering pre-ordering this game I highly recommend getting the Resident Evil 6 Anthology Edition, which will include codes to download Resident Evil 1-5 from the Xbox Live or PSN store. This edition costs $89.99 but you are getting RE Director's Cut, RE:2. RE: 3 Nemesis, RE: 4 HD edition, RE: 5 Gold Edition and RE: 6 so do the math you're only paying $30 for 5 more games and RE: 5 includes all the DLC available for it further increasing your savings and the awesome factor of this bundle. This Edition has an availability limit so get yours before they run out! Resident Evil 6 will be available on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on October 12, 2012 and at a later date for the PC. Leave us your comments and opinions at the bottom or on our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Drakes-Reviews/174078322725832 and don't forget to subscribe, LIKE US, and follow us on Twitter @DrakesReviews
UPDATE FOR XBOX 360 OWNERS! XBOX 360 will only have a special edition version called RE:6 Archives which includes RE: 6, RE: 4 HD, RE: Code Veronica X HD, RE:5 Gold Edition and the animated film RE: Degeneration, sorry no RE: Director's Cut, RE: 2 and RE:3 Nemesis.
Drake's Reviews Score (Pre-Release) 10 out of 10
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Motion Gaming on the PC? Introducing the Leap!
Before you even read this, watch the video if you haven't! Yeah, yeah I know, it's impressive isn't it? Ok so what exactly is the Leap? The Leap is a device that creates a 3D space space around your laptop or desktop computer. It's a space of 8 cubic feet and in this space, the Leap can tell the difference between your hands, each individual finger and other items such as pens or the chopsticks you saw in the video. The Leap is about 200 times more sensitive than any other device on the market, yes even more sensitive than the Kinect. While the Leap can be used for many things like engineering, graphs, and art, our main focus will be gaming for this review. It took 4 years to develop this technology and from what we have seen in this video it will destroy the motion gaming competition. Imagine starting up your game just by pinching the icon in your computer screen without actually touching anything, or how about shooting your gun at enemy soldiers in Call of Duty just by point at them with your finger and clicking down your thumb like when you were a kid. With the Leap this is all possible. As of right now the Leap supports iOS and Windows and Linux support is next. Let's talk about price now, because I bet you are surely asking how much does this artifact that most likely works on witchcraft and elf blood cost? A deal with the devil? My soul? Nope! You will not believe it, the Leap's introductory price is $69.99, yes ladies and gentlemen cheaper than a Wii, Kinect or PS Move at launch! If you want to be early adopters Leapmotion.com is having a limited number available for pre-order on their website, and pre-orders will be shipped between December 2012 and January 2013 the official date has not been released yet. Can the Leap bring motion gaming back to life? Will it become the new standard for using a computer? We will find out in a couple of months and Drake's Reviews will have all the information you need, we have our Leap on pre-order already!
If you would like to pre-order yours, you can do so at http://leapmotion.com/
So what do you think of the leap?
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Motion Gaming - Wii vs Move vs Kinect!
When we were little we all imagined going on awesome adventures, shooting aliens, destroying the bad guys and blowing their base up just like we saw in cartoons. As time has passed we have been getting closer and closer to making that dream a reality, but we are still far behind that goal. On November 19, 2006 we got our first taste of that dream though. That is the release date of the Nintendo Wii, which gave us motion gaming and a whole new level of respect for the gaming industry. Wii Sports allowed us to bowl right in our living rooms, to play golf like a pro, to have a friendly boxing match, to show our tennis skills and to score some homeruns on our opponents, and it was magical. We got games like Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 and Zelda Twilight Princess which made further use of the Wii motion controller. Then Nintendo made games that made less and less use of the motion aspect for which their console became popular, not that they were all bad games but Nintedo quickly forgot why the Wii was made and why it was successful. After some time Nintendo was quick to license pretty much every crappy idea developers had, giving us infernal titles like "Game Party" which is pretty much a generic Wii sports with different types of games, the "PETZ" series of games which if you're unfamiliar with you should consider yourself blessed. We also got "Balls of Fury" based on a film where the comedy came from the acting not from the fact that they played ping pong and who could forget "Chicken Shoot" a game that has been called "Duck Hunt for idiots." The future seemed very dark for motion gaming, and then the God of Gaming gave us a Motion Gaming Miracle.
On September 17, 2010 the Playstation Move was released. The Move came bundled with Sports Champions for the move and as usual the games in sports champions made full use of the capabilities of the Move. The tracking was better than the Wii and the fact that it was HD capable just made it that much better. The bad part however was the the PS Move had very little PS Move only games, there are about 15 titles for the move while other games have been patched to support it but do not make full use of the capabilities of the Move, plus the controllers are big and have been constantly called a ripoff of the Wii controllers. They do share a lot of similarities to the Wii controller, but where the Wii made something good the PS Move improved upon yet the Move has no titles that are really as memorable as the ones for the Wii, and thus it's popularity went largely unnoticed.
Then came November 4, 2010 the day the Microsoft Kinect was first released. Kinect brought us closer to the dream of gaming without controllers, just by making use of our bodies. Kinect put us in the game. Kinect switched it up on us though and released a game called Kinect Adventures where sports were out and adventure was in. The first title for the Kinect taught us how to use our entire body to play a game and it did so in a marvelous manner, it had us thinking "How did we ever play with controllers?" The Kinect required nothing else, you just connected it to your Xbox 360 and your friend coulds join you with no problem. Kinect Adventures was great, Kinect Sports was awesome and Dance Central wowed the crowds. Then came all sorts of Sports and Dance games and the Kinect was lost in that, just a bunch of generic games that were made over and over again where the formula was nothing more than a copy of every other game made for it already. As of late, the Kinect has been adapted into games rather than having it's own titles. SKYRIM is one of those games where the Kinect has been adapted into and has made the game much better. Steel Batallion was recently released for the Kinect and it integrates the Kinect as well as the Xbox controller to play it, everyone's hopes were high for this game but it was released to mediocre ratings, due to bad controls that do not register properly in the Kinect.
With all these flaws in our current generation of Motion gaming which one is really the best? The Wii has forgotten why they even started motion gaming and has delivered one mediocre title after another aimed at nothing else but kids and your wallet, even the latest Zelda was riddled with clunky controls. The PS Move registers your movements better than the other two systems, but has virtually no games and it has become more of an accessory to newer titles for which you have to buy a very expensive piece of plastic to fully enjoy the use of the move. Then we have the Kinect, honestly as a PS fan even I have to admit that the Kinect has the most potential of the three choices, but it fails to register your movements as it should and lately it has not released any good titles.
Drake's Reviews cannot decide which motion gaming system is better, at this point we believe they are all going away from what made them great in the first place, but we are hopeful for the future of motion gaming. What do you gamers think of motion gaming? Which system is better and why? Leave us your comments and opinons down below or on our Facebook page.
Drake's Reviews cannot decide which motion gaming system is better, at this point we believe they are all going away from what made them great in the first place, but we are hopeful for the future of motion gaming. What do you gamers think of motion gaming? Which system is better and why? Leave us your comments and opinons down below or on our Facebook page.
First Look: Kingdom Hearts 3D - Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts 3D is only a few days away from release, and there is still little information or videos out there of this game, but if there is one thing you can be sure of, is that Kingdom Hearts games are always worth playing. This installment of the KH saga was released in Japan on March 29, 2012 so they are already enjoying the game and it will see a release in Europe and Australia before we get to play it here in the US on July 31, 2012. Isn't that unfair? This game takes place after the last insallment in he series Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. In this game Sora the protagonist of the series and Riku a secondary but major character in the series and Sora's best friend must undergo the Mark of Mastery Exam which is the final test a keyblade wielder must take and pass to be considered a Keyblade Master. The game will keep old fighting mechanics but will introduce new ones as well, maintaining the series fresh as it has done in every game. Even though it is a game that involves Disney characters it is by no means a child's game, if you have played previous KH games you know that amount of difficulty the games can present, so much so that the games have been called Final Fantasy games disguised as Disney games. The good news about this game besides the fact that it's another KH game which is already a very popular game series, is that it presents a great story. In this story we see returning enemies from previous games, new enemies, new worlds to visit including the world of Tron, The Three Musketeers, Hunchback of Notre Dame and even Fantasia. Sora and Riku will be sent to different worlds to free them of Dream Eaters which are the new enemies in the series, these enemies eat people's dreams and create nightmares out of them. The worlds that Sora and Riku must safe are worlds that were previously destroyed by the Heartless and have now been restored, although they are in a state of deep sleep that prevents them from connecting to other worlds as if they did not exist. Sora and Riku must destroy the Dream Eater menace and find and unlock the keyhole of each world to awaken it. Although they will go their separate ways they will eventually find each other in the game, and at certain points in the game you will be made to switch between each character as well as being able to switch at will at Safe Points. The bad news, is that it will be released only on the Nintendo 3DS. That has been the bane of the KH series, cross-platform releases in systems that the typical KH player does not own, so far KH games have been released on the PS2, the PS3, the Nintendo DS, on mobile platform and now the 3DS. This makes it hard to keep up with the series although some of the handheld games have been released for the PS before this one seems a bit unlikely without making a few changes to the gameplay style which makes full use of the 3DS functions. As we've witnessed before every new KH game presents a darker story it's like the game grows up along with the players and KH is celebrating 10 years of it's creation. The best thing about KH 3D however is that it's basically a first look of how KH III for the PS will be like and that will come as great news for the fans of the series. If you've been reading this review and have not watched the trailer I recommend you give it a look or two because it seems KH's game formula keeps getting better every new game and this one makes the Drake's Reviews team wish we owned a 3DS as we are big fans of KH. While we recommend this game for those who own a 3DS even KH is not enough to make the Drake's Review team buy a 3DS just for this game, maybe we'll all pitch in for one and take turns playing it.
Drake's Reviews Score (Pre-Release) 8 out of 10
The game looks great but the exclusive release on 3DS is a real let down.
Monday, July 9, 2012
First Look: Assassin's Creed III - Drake's Reviews New Member!
Hello everyone reading Drake's Reviews my name is Rudy better known as Drunken Monkey. Drake has finals today, so in his absence I will be doing a first look on Assassin's Creed III. Today we have a first look at Assassin's Creed 3 even though it is the 5th game in the main AC series. For those who may not be aware there are a total of 10 AC games out there already and ACIII will be released on October 30th 2012 alongside AC: Liberation for the PS VITA. AC3 encompasses they years 1753-1783 during the American Revolution. Aside from the giant leap from Istanbul where AC Revelations concluded to the Thirteen Colonies, we leave the Master Assassin Ezio behind and introduce a new Assassin by the name of Connor Kenway, who is of half English and half Mohawk descent. Like in the other AC games you will meet a vast assortment of historical figures such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Paul Revere. From the info that we have gathered we have learned that the game will introduce a new fighting mechanic which will allows Connor to use to multiple weapons at the same time as well as being able to use firearms. The most traditional of Assassin weapons in the series, the hidden blade will be used by Connor, but that will not be his main weapon, to keep a close tie to his Native American roots he wield a mighty Tomahawk that is shaped like the Assassin's logo. The graphics in the game are awe-inspiring, the gameplay demo and the in game CG movies look very realistic. Connor will also be able to hunt different animals and sell them to merchants. The will also be implementing a new property system. The multiplayer looks to be the same as previous games only new characters and yet the same old multiplayer game modes, which is the one negative aspect of the game, there is no innovation on the multiplayer system and it can get repetitive at times. Still no word if there will be a mobile or Facebook game that will tie into AC III like AC Legacy did for AC Brotherhood. I would highly recommend this game to everyone as previous entries have never disappointed with their storyline and gameplay, although as previously mentioned the Multiplayer can get repetitive.
Drake's Reviews Score (Pre-Release) 9 out of 10
For Drake's Reviews, I'm Drunken Monkey.
For Drake's Reviews, I'm Drunken Monkey.
See you guys soon.
Latest Movie News: Assassin's Creed Movie will be starring Michael Fassbender!
For those of you unfamiliar with Michael Fassbender he has starred in movies such as Inglorious Bastards and X-Men First Class where he played Magneto. Ubisoft has stated that he was their first pick to play the part in the Assassin's Creed movie, but has not released a statement as to which incarnation of the Assassin's from the game would he be playing, Altair, Ezio, Connor or even Desmond. Video game adaptations into movies have been heavily criticized by fans and critics alike, but this does not mean that all of them have been bad. Take a look at the Resident Evil series, even if critics hate them the movies are widely successful, Prince of Persia didn't do bad at the box office either, and the animated adaptation of Final Fantasy 7 was a commercial success. The fact that Michael Fassbender has been chosen as the lead as well as co-producing this movie tells us that Ubisoft is serious about making it and they even have plans to make a movie on another one of their video game franchises Splinter Cell. Drake's Reviews hopes that this does not turn out like other movies that have been scrapped or put on hold for years because we would definitely want to watch an Assassin's Creed movie. We also hope is not a bad adaptation but for now all we can do is wait, because no release date has been given and so far only Mr. Fassbender has been cast. Tells us what you think about this, leave your comments in our Facebook page or down below this post.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Movie Review: TED with uncut trailer.
Ted is a movie about a teddy bear who gains life by the wish of his owner John Bennet, played by Mark Walhberg. You may think this sounds like your typical children's movie, but that is as typical as it gets. Ted and John grow up together and 27 years later are still living together and having fun, except their fun is now drinking, partying and smoking marijuana, it's not a stoner movie though. Ted is raunchy, full of crude humor and it crosses the line on some jokes. Ted is also a very funny movie! Some critics have called Ted boring, unoriginal and unrealistic. I would like to say something to those critics.... It's a movie about a freaking teddy bear that gets life through a wish, what the hell where you expecting? Not all criticisms of the movie have been negative though, some said it was the funniest movie of the year so far. Drake's Reviews must say that the movie was quite funny indeed, but that if you do not like crude humor you may not enjoy it as much, after all this is a Seth McFarlane movie and he is better known for his cartoon, Family Guy which some love and others hate. The material however is fresh not just rehashed jokes from his show. It does have references to other movies or TV series but nothing that audiences would be unfamiliar with. The movie is a constant joke after another but at a certain point it slows down a bit and it can be a little boring if only because up until that point the audience has been laughing non-stop. The movie crosses the line at some points but it is nothing as bad as what Borat did. The ending of the movie is not an unexpected one but even then it manages to catch your attention one more time and make itself memorable, but the movie tends to be anti-climatic, although this reviewer can remember two specific scenes where the audience couldn't stop laughing, there was some comedy gold in Ted. Drake's Reviews recommends watching it, but remember it's crude and cruel at points but it is a comedy movie and it is not to be taken seriously.
Drake's Reviews Score 8.5 out of 10
First Look: Halo 4 - Trailer + Gameplay Demo E3 2012
The fourth installment of the Halo franchise is due on November 6, 2012. As usual Halo will be Xbox 360 exclusive, and it is without a doubt their flagship series. The story takes place 4 years after the ending of Halo 3. As you can see in the trailer (you did see the trailer right?) humans have achieved peace, a peace that led them to believed that they could recommission a warship into a ship to spread peace in the galaxy and in the look for a new habitable planet. In Halo 4, Master Chief has been lost in space since the ending of the last Halo and the eventually find themselves on a Forerunner planet called Requiem. This is where the story begins, when the UNSC ship crashes into the planet for reasons unknown to Master Chief and his AI Cortana. As the trailer showed, Master Chief is on his way to check for survivors until he sees Covenant forces heading for the ship, and then meets a new enemy. These enemies are believe to be Forerunners, but there has been no confirmation of this thus far. The developers of the game 343 Industries have already made it clear that this is another trilogy and the the 5th game in the franchise will have a much darker tone than previous Halo's and the main plot of course will be resolved in Halo 6. The graphics in this game look amazing, much better than most shooters out right now. People have complained that Halo is always the same, run, shoot, run some more and shoot again. This game however will be somewhat breaking from that formula as Halo 4 will rely on exploration, mystery, discovery and of course running and shooting. Even if it's running and shooting, Halo has been doing it greatly over the past three games and this has even led to side stories that have also been quite popular with the fans. Halo 4 also offers a plot twist, one where Master Chief's AI Cortana apparently goes rogue, whether this is because as an AI her lifespan has exceeded the 7 year lifespan of an AI or because the enemy is controlling her it is unknown yet. Master Chief will have access to Forerunner weapons and judging by the video, they will be incredibly powerful, plus it was awesome the way the broken pieces stuck together to reform the weapon. It looks like in Halo 4, Master Chief will meet his match in the Forerunners. Although not much information has been released on Halo 4 the trailer and the gameplay video really show no negative aspects in the game so far, the story is interesting, the new concept seems to only help the series, the graphics are incredibly detailed, and the game as a whole seems to be the perfect new start of a franchise. The question must be asked however, can Master Chief really take on the Forerunners? Find out on 11-06-2012
Drake's Reviews Score (Pre-Release) 10 out of 10
Friday, July 6, 2012
Movie Review, The Amazing Spider-Man
The newest installment in the Spider-Man franchise is actually a new reboot of the series. This time around Peter Parker is played by actor Andrew Garfield. In this installment there is no Mary Jane, instead we have Gwen Stacy who is actually Spider-Man's first love. This time around, Spider-man finds himself fighting "The Lizard" who's real identity is Dr.Curtis Connors, this is pretty much where the movie stops being faithful to the comics. If you saw the first Spider-Man by Sam Raimi, you already know that Peter gets his powers from being bitten by a radioactive spider and that he decides to fight crime after his uncle Ben is shot dead by a mugger that Peter Parker could have stopped. In this movie that story changes quite a bit but in order to keep this review spoiler free I will not give out more information. The movie is full of emotional moments for Peter Parker and it does a great job at making the audience relate to what Peter and other characters are feeling in these moments. The action is awesome, from the simple fights with thugs in the streets all the way to the fights between Spidey and the Lizard. The movie also manages to capture the humor that Spider-Man is famous for in the comics, but also presents him in a much more serious manner when the need arises. Although Tobey Maguire played a good Peter Parker, Andrew Garfield also does a great job, yet he doesn't really look as much as Peter Parker as Tobey did, this does not mean that Andrew is lacking, it was just easier to relate Tobey to Peter. The costume in the movie is really detailed even though it has some differences from Spider-man's original costume it does not detract from the character as a matter of fact it makes the costume look realistic to the point that you can actually imagine a real life super-hero wearing it.The movie also does a great job capturing moments that are difficult for Spider-Man to handle, making him seem vulnerable and this really just adds to the movie because we see our hero is not invincible, but he tries his best and sometimes that is not enough even for a hero. Spider-Man is identified by he popular phrase his uncle Ben uses to let Peter know he must be responsible with his abilities, although uncle Ben was not exactly referring to his power, uncle Ben says to Peter "With great power comes great responsibility" this phrase is nowhere to be found in the movie so hardcore fans may not be to happy about this. Although this movie is an origin story, it heavily deviates from Spider-Man's actual origin, even the death of a certain character in he movie is nothing like in the comics amongst other things that may upset the fans.If you have a choice of watching the movie in 3D or 2D, just go for the 2D version. Hollywood has been milking 3D movies for as much as they can and most of the new 3D movies have little to no 3D effects, The Amazing Spider-Man is no exception to this rule, there is no memorable 3D scenes, as a matter of fact there was hardly any, so save your money guys. The movie is also quite long at 136 minutes but you will not even notice this as the story tends to absorb you into it. Even with the deviation from the actual history of the Spider-Man comics, the movie is worth watching, just not in 3D. The Amazing Spider-Man has plenty of action, some memorable comedic moments, and even a little drama so if you're in the mood for a good movie this one is a must-watch!
Drake's Reviews Score 8 out of 10
First Look: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 + Gameplay
Gameplay Trailer Link Below
For those fans of the Call of Duty franchise, seeing a sequel to Black Ops was a surprise, but it is official it's going to happen. While the first game took place in the 1960's, Black Ops 2 will take a more futuristic setting in the year 2025, although it has been confirmed that the game will have some settings in the 1970's and 80's where Alex Mason the protagonist of the first game returns. The 2025 setting of the game will be taken over by none other than Alex Mason's own son David Mason. For the first time ever in a Call of Duty game, the decisions you make in the game will affect the overall story line, and according to your decisions branching story lines will be unlocked. The game has been confirmed as having settings in Los Angeles, Central America and Afghanistan, as well as Singapore, and Yemen. The game will also offer "Strike Force Missions" in the 2025 setting. These missions are somewhat different from the actual gameplay, although you still control a soldier albeit an unnamed one, it has elements of a strategy game where you must direct squads to certain points, help pinned down squads via other elements such as using a quad-rotor robot with a mounted machine gun or other tech available to you during the mission. While they play more like side missions they do carry some weight as they will determine certain parts of how the story line goes, so the player will want to succeed in Strike Force Missions. The game apparently will also feature vehicles although it has not been confirmed whether this will be campaign or multiplayer exclusive or both. Not much has been revealed about the storyline, so far what we know is that a Nicaraguan by the name of Raul Menendez, takes over hundreds of US's automated drones and sets them upon US forces in an attempt to spark a war, in the gameplay trailer link above you can see some of these automated drones. Fans will be happy to know that "Zombies" will make a return in Black Ops 2, but gameplay has not been revealed on the Zombies mode yet, but we know that it will now be a full campaign as opposed to only a few stages, and that it will feature an 8-player mode instead of just 4-players like in the previous installments. Some familiar faces returning according to Treyarch are J.F.K. and Nixon, they have even hinted that actor Danny Trejo may be in the game as well. Not everything about Black Ops 2 is positive though, a lot of fans have complained about the futuristic setting deviating from what the original Black Ops was and that it seems like they are trying to copy elements of the Ghost Recon series as well as Halo. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will be released for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC on November 13, 2012 so we will have to wait until then to see if the fear voiced by the fans proves true or if the game is just much better than they expect.
Drake's Reviews Score (Pre-Release) 8 out of 10
First Look: Wii U - ZombiU Gameplay
There's not even a release date for the Wii U yet, but ZombiU by UBISOFT has already caught the attention of a lot of fans of the Zombie genre. Contrary to the Wii which was catered mostly as a family gaming console, the Nintendo has pulled all the stops with the Wii U and is coming out with games catered to older players this time around. One of these games is ZombiU, which is a reboot of Ubisoft's first commercially available game Zombi, which was released in 1986 when the company was established. While not much information on the game has been released, it is known that the game will take place in London, England which finds itself in the middle of a zombie outbreak. As you can see in the trailer the game makes full use of the Wii U Gamepad. The Wii U Gamepad has an array of uses in ZombiU, such as a scanner, the scope for your sniper rifle, to access CCTV cameras, to hack different things in the game, and even to check your inventory, all of this by selecting the function you need and then pointing it at the screen. GAMEPLAY SPOILER ALERT, GAMEPLAY SPOILER ALERT... If you want to be surprised you may not want to read this next part, if you're ok with spoilers then carry on.
In ZombiU, you control on of the survivors of the zombie outbreak. However if at any point you die in the game you must start over as a new survivor and in Zombi U all it takes is one zombie bite to make you join the legion of the undead, as if this wasn't enough the character that dies keeps your inventory or as the game calls it "Bug-Out Bag." Your new character can attempt to retrieve the inventory from your now undead character though, so it is not a total loss. Multiplayer will be available and if you're playing online, your friends will be alerted to your characters death and they can also attempt to collect your inventory. ZombiU may not be enough reason to buy a Wii U however, as many people were disappointed with the Nintendo Wii, which started as a game that made full use of the motion controller and then stopped in preference of using it as a sideways controller for later games. The Wii U however has more titles in store that will apparently make full use of the Gamepad to prevent the same thing from happening to this system. Titles revealed so far that have multiple uses for the Gamepad are Batman Arkham City: Armored Edition and Assassin's Creed III. Drake's Reviews does have a complaint on this trailer though, while the gameplay looks amazing you can tell that the person playing it is nothing more than an animated character, if you look carefully at the hands you can tell they are not a real person's hands, we would've like to have seen an actual person playing it at least. As usual Drake's Reviews will be bringing you the latest news as they are available and hopefully we will get to see more exciting titles for the Wii U.
Drake's Reviews Score (Pre-Release) 8.5 out of 10
Thursday, July 5, 2012
First Look: Borderlands 2
While it wont be released until September 18th, 2012 let us take a first look at Borderlands 2. If you played the first Borderlands you are probably awaiting the release of Borderlands 2. If you didn't play the first one, then you should. Borderlands is a FPS that includes a few RPG elements. It takes place in the fictional planet of Pandora where a group of people are trying to find and alien vault that may or may not be filled with advanced alien weapons and technology which would make them rich. The second game in the series build upon the elements of the first one. Borderlands 2 takes place 5 years after the first game, it features four new playable characters and shares the some of the same elements of the first Borderlands, such as, leveling up your character via skill points, unlocking perks through the experience points, the cartoony cel-shading graphics of the first game, class modifications for each characters, vehicles and of course a many and I do emphasize on the MANY, different weapons to choose from. For those unfamiliar with the game, the first Borderlands had a vast array of different weapons that came in different classes, amongst them where SMG's, Sniper Rifles, Pistols, Rocket Launchers, Shotguns, Combat Rifles and the very rare Eridian guns. These weapons could be found or bought at store within the game with money earned from missions and looting. The guns had rarity color ranges as well, with white being common then followed by green, blue, purple, yellow, orange, dark orange and pearlescent for the rarest weapons. Some even offered elemental damage which was divided into four categories, incendiary, shock, explosive and corrosive. These elements have apparently been kept for Borderlands 2. As mentioned before there are four new playable character with share some elements with the ones for the first game but also have some differences. First we have Maya who is a Siren like Lilith a character from the first game, but she has a different main ability. Next we have Axton a character who uses auto-turrets like the soldier in the first game. We also have a character by the name of Salvador who is a mountain of muscle like Brick, the Berserker from the first game, except Salvador is called a Gunzerker and instead of beating his opponents to death, Salvador's special ability allows him to dual wield guns with incredible precision. Lastly we have Zer0 who is an assassin and specializes in stealth, similar to Mordecai the sniper from the first game. Zer0 however can turn invisible, create decoys of himself and can unleash devastating critical hits with his sword. The plot of Borderlands 2 does differ greatly from that of it's predecessor. In this game you start in a tournament where you are fighting to the death to entertain the main antagonist of the game, a man who is in control of Pandora and goes by the name of Handsome Jack. He promised a great reward to the winner of the tournament, and after your character wins it he gains a lot of notoriety with the people of Pandora. Handsome Jack seeing this as a threat to his control of Pandora denies the player character of the reward and has the player abandoned in the tundra of Pandora, leaving him or her to die. From here the Guardian Angel from the first game contacts the player character and instructs them to rescue the original four characters from Borderlands and to kill Handsome Jack. The trailer only shows a minimal part of what Borderlands 2 will be like, but if its anything like the first one, you guys are in for a treat. This has been a first look into Borderlands 2.
Drake's Reviews Score (Pre-Release) 10 out of 10
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